The transactions which are categorized as ”Transfer”,”Salary",”Card Payment", and “Investments” will not be displayed on the Spending Screen.
For more information, please refer to this FAQ.
If you are not able to find a transaction on the Spending Screen, please check it on the Balances Screen.
It is also possible to filter by category, amount, or description.
iOS App / Android App
1. Tap “Net Worth”
2. All transactions are displayed like the following screenshot.
3. Enter the keyword on the Search Box
You can also filter the transaction by account.
1.Tap the account group
e.g. Bank Accounts
2.Tap the account name
e.g. Saving Account
3. Enter the keyword on the Search Box
Web App
1. Click “Personal”, “Balances” and “All Transactions”
2. Enter the keyword on the Search Box
If you would like to filter by the account, please click the account group and the account name which you would like to see.
e.g. Bank > Saving Account
Please note you can only search up to 5 months back on the Moneytree Web App.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
If you have any questions, please contact our support team.